EMPLOYMENT First name(Feb-14): *Last name: *Which title do you prefer to be addressed by: *Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.Cell phone number: *Cell phone number country calling code: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONE(+1) United States of America(+90) Türkiye(+93) Afghanistan(+355) Albania(+213) Algeria(+53) Argentina(+374) Armenia(+61) Australia(+43) Austria(+994) Azerbaijan(+32) Belgium(+55) Brazil(+359) Bulgaria(+1) Canada(+86) China(+57) Colombia(+53) Cuba(+357) Cyprus(+420) Czech Republic(+45) Denmark(+593) Ecuador(+20) Egypt(+503) El Salvador(+372) Estonia(+251) Ethiopia(+679) Fiji(+358) Finland(+33) France(+995) Georgia(+49) Germany(+30) Greece(+299) Greenland(+852) Hong Kong(+36) Hungary(+354) Iceland(+91) India(+62) Indonesia(+98) Iran(+964) Iraq(+353) Ireland(+972) Israel(+39) Italy(+81) Japan(+7) Kazakhstan(+254) Kenya(+383) Kosovo(+965) Kuwait(+996) Kyrgyzstan(+856) Laos(+371) Latvia(+961) Lebanon(+218) Libya(+370) Lithuania(+352) Luxembourg(+853) Macau(+261) Madagascar(+60) Malaysia(+960) Maldives(+356) Malta(+352) Mexico(+373) Moldova(+377) Monaco(+976) Mongolia(+382) Montenegro(+212) Morocco(+95) Myanmar(+977) Nepal(+31) Netherlands(+64) New Zealand(+47) Norway(+92) Pakistan(+51) Peru(+63) Philippines(+48) Poland(+351) Portugal(+974) Qatar(+40) Romania(+7) Russia(+966) Saudi Arabia(+381) Serbia(+421) Slovakia(+386) Slovenia(+82) South Korea(+34) Spain(+46) Sweden(+886) Taiwan(+90) Türkiye(+971) United Arab Emirates(+44) United Kingdom(+1) United States of America(+58) Venezuela(+84) Vietnam(+967) YemenEmail: *Your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY): *Where do you currently reside (state/city): *Do you have a real estate license (in the US): *YESNOLicensed US state(s): *US licensing year(s): *Education (Select all that apply): *High schoolAssociate DegreeUndergraduate (BS)Graduate (Master)Post Graduate (Phd.)NoneWhat did you study: *Have you practiced real estate in the US before: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEYes, full timeYes, part-timeNo real estate experienceHow many years of experience: *How many transactions have you closed in the US (approximately):Number of residential sales transactions: *Number of residential rental transactions: *Number of residential properties managed: *Number of commercial sales transactions: *Number of commercial rental transactions: *Number of commercial properties managed: *Do you have real estate experience in other countries: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEYesNoWhich countries: *How many years of experience: *Do you own or lease a car: *YESNOWhat kind of computer do you own (Select all that apply): *Apple Computer(s) (iMac, Macbook, etc)Windows Computer(s)NoneWindows computer experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedApple computers experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedApple iPad experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedApple iPhone experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft Outlook experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft Word experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft Excel experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft OneNote experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft OneDrive experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft PowerPoint experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedMicrosoft Paint experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedCanva experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedAdobe Acrobat (editor) experience: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONENoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedWhat hours are you available to work (Select all that apply): *During normal business hoursIn the eveningsOn the weekendsOn some holidaysWhat type of work are you looking for (Select all that apply): *Full timePart-timeWhere do you prefer to work from: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEFrom homeFrom officeI am flexibleMost real estate jobs in the US are commission based jobs (no salary). Therefore, depending on your real estate knowledge and experience, closing your first transaction and receiving commission income may take many months. How many months can you survive financially until you have your first closing after joining our firm: *What is your current immigration status: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEI am a US citizenI have a US green cardI have a US work permit/visaI don’t have a US work permit or visaDescribe your work permit/visa status: *What is your level of English writing proficiency: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEBeginnerIntermediateExcellentWhat is your level of English speaking proficiency: *PLEASE CHOOSE ONEBeginnerIntermediateExcellentWhat other languages do you speak (Select all that apply): *Spanish PortugueseGermanFrenchRussian TurkishChineseOtherNoneA CV OR RESUME IS NOT MANDATORYCV/RESUME (OPTIONAL):Additional information you would like to share with us: *